A brownfield land register provides information on previously developed sites which are considered appropriate for residential development.
We keep and maintain a brownfield land register. It identifies brownfield sites (previously developed land) in Rushmoor which are considered to be available, achievable and suitable for housing-led development, as defined by government regulations.
We update our brownfield land register every year.
Download the register
- Brownfield land register (.csv file)
We publish our brownfield land register following the government's data standards for brownfield land registers.
We provide this data under the Open Government Licence.
Other formats
We have produced a Brownfield land register summary document which shows the data in a more customer friendly format.
You can also see the site plans of the identified sites.
Permission in principle
Brownfield land registers are a means through which councils can grant brownfield sites with permission in principle. This establishes if a site is suitable, in principle, for residential development. However, it is not a grant of planning permission and does not allow development to take place.
Because the whole of Rushmoor lies within five kilometres of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area the requirements of the habitats regulations mean that land in Rushmoor cannot benefit from permission in principle. There are therefore no brownfield sites in our register with permission in principle.
Suggest a site for the brownfield land register
Please visit our call for sites with development potential web page to suggest a site for inclusion, or to withdraw or amend the details of a previously submitted site. Sites should meet the definition of previously developed land and be able to accommodate at least five homes.
Sites suggested will also help us update our Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment which is a technical study that identifies sites with housing and employment potential across Rushmoor.
Important information about brownfield land register entries
There is no guarantee that we will enter suggested sites into our brownfield land register. If a site is included in our brownfield land register, it does not guarantee that we will grant it planning permission.
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