Find out more about the leadership of the council.

Deputy Leader

The role of the leader

The leader provides overall political leadership for the council by:

  • Co-ordinating and delivering council policies, strategies and services
  • Leading the cabinet in its work to develop the policy framework and budget and to deliver services to the local community
  • Leading the development of partnerships both inside and outside of Rushmoor, with stakeholders, residents and other interested organisations
  • Contributing to the preparation, monitoring and review of the council's policies, budget, strategy and service delivery

Main responsibilities of the leader

  • Providing leadership to the council and its political administration
  • Acting as the principal spokesman for the council and the administration
  • Assuming prime responsibility to the local community for the decisions and work of the Cabinet
  • Liaising with officers, in particular the chief executive and the executive leadership team
  • Leading the development of the council's strategic and corporate planning process
  • Having a primary role in presenting the Cabinet's proposals to the council and to the local community
  • Representing the Cabinet in any reviews of council services
  • Managing and chairing Cabinet meetings and providing the political lead in proposing the policy framework, budget and direction of the council
  • Ensuring that the work of the Cabinet and portfolio holders is co-ordinated and is in line with the council's policy framework and the needs and aspirations of the local community
  • Ensuring that working relationships between the Cabinet, other councillors, officers and the local community are effective and professional

The role of the deputy leader

To deputise for the leader of the council when required and to provide support in the political leadership of the council.

Main responsibilities of the deputy leader

  • To chair the Cabinet if the leader is unavailable
  • To support the leader in all aspects of his or her work, particularly in relation to providing the political direction on strategic issues
  • To provide the political lead in particular corporate initiatives and strategies and assume specific responsibility in certain areas such economic development
  • To ensure effective communication with councillors that are not in the Cabinet and to ensure that their views are taken into account
  • To provide support to portfolio holders as and when required and to carry out their duties on those occasions when they are absent



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