Cuttings have been taken from this beautiful vine, which dates to the time of the Crimea War in 1853, so that it can be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
This dormant time of year is thought to be the perfect time to take cuttings from the historic vine, which is in an orangery at the locally listed Vine Cottage, in Shoe Lane, Aldershot.
A locally listed building is a building, structure or feature which is of local importance because of its architectural, historical or environmental significance. Buildings like Vine Cottage are added to our local list in recognition of their value as irreplaceable historic assets, which contribute to the quality of the local environment by improving the street scene and keeping a sense of distinctiveness.
Project Officer Suzie Wright from The Conservation Volunteers and local historian and author Keith Bean visited the famous vine at Hampton Court Palace to learn about taking cuttings and future maintenance earlier this month, before visiting the site with Rushmoor Borough Council Deputy Leader Councillor Sophie Porter and Councillor Christine Guinness, who leads on regeneration and property, to take the cuttings.
Locations for the new healthy cuttings from the vine are still being explored, so fingers crossed for lots of healthy growth in the spring!
Rushmoor Borough Council Deputy Leader Councillor Sophie Porter said: “Keith Bean is a historian, author and champion of local history and we are grateful for the positive input he brings to our borough. Both Keith and Suzie visited Hampton Court Palace to learn how to save the vine. I was delighted to organise a site visit for them to help preserve this piece of our local history.
“Together, they’ll care for the vines until we can find the perfect spots to plant them out.
Let’s hear your ideas - where should this piece of living history be planted to put back down its roots in our community?"
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