The government has announced major changes to the way local services will be provided in the future. Find out more.

Devolution in Hampshire

Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils and the Isle of Wight have asked to be included in the government’s priority programme for devolution.

If approved, the proposed changes would create one large strategic authority for the whole of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, led by an elected mayor.

This would mean a transfer of powers and funding from national to local government. There would be greater control over important areas for our region, such as:

  • Economic growth
  • Transport planning
  • Infrastructure investment
  • Skills development

Hampshire County Council has also asked the government to postpone its county council elections planned for this May.

Our council leader, Councillor Gareth Williams has welcomed the government’s proposals on devolution, and you can read more about this on our statement on devolution and local government reorganisation page. Our leader is continuing to meet with leaders of other Hampshire councils, to discuss devolution and local government reorganisation. 

Local government reorganisation

The government has said it wants wider local government reorganisation over time.

This would mean that district councils, such as ourselves, joining together with other councils to create larger, unitary councils.

This new unitary council would provide our current services and look after services currently provided by county councils, such as:

  • Highway maintenance
  • Adult social care
  • Children’s services

We are waiting for further news about what is planned in our area from the government. We will share these details when we get them.

Please visit the Local Government Association website for more information about the proposals.

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