Details of our councillors' allowance scheme and how much councillors can claim.

Councillors are entitled to claim certain allowances under our members' allowances scheme.

Claims for 2023/24

Please see our councillor allowances - claims for 2023/24 page to see the list of claims from last year.

Current allowances

The following allowances apply from 21st May 2024, unless otherwise stated:

Basic allowance

Description Rate per year
Payable to all members £6,602

Special responsibility allowances for post holders

Post holder Rate per year
Leader of the council £18,314
Deputy Leader of the council £10,541
Cabinet members £9,104 (each)
Cabinet Champions (payable from the date appointed) £1,863 (each)
Chairman of Development Management Committee £6,176
Chairman of Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee £6,176
Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee £4,579
Chairman of Policy and Project Advisory Board £4,579
Opposition group leaders
(subject to the group having at least ten per cent (4) of the council's seats)
£3,727 (each)
Chairman of the council (Mayor) £1,757
Members serving on four or more hearings in one municipal year
(excluding the Chairman of the Corporate Governance, Audit and Standards Committee)

Co-optees allowance

Description Rate
Co-optee £585 a year

Dependant carer's allowance

Description Rate
Childcare allowance National living wage
Other care Payable at the hourly wage charged by Hampshire County Council's Adult Services for a carer

Travelling expenses

The rates below apply:

  • To travel outside the borough only
  • If travel results in a substantial saving of the member's time, is in the interests of the body or is otherwise reasonable

The Head of Democracy and Partnerships will prepare a list of those circumstances where travel allowances will apply inside the borough.

Mode of transport Rate
Cars and vans (first 10,000 miles)

45p per mile

Cars and vans (over 10,000 miles) 25p per mile
Motorcycle 24p a mile
Bicycle 20p a mile

Public transport

Councillors should travel by the most cost-effective way that suit their needs. We will reimburse the cost of most public transport and taxis on the production of receipts. For train journeys, we will normally provide a standard class rail warrant through the Head of Democracy and Partnerships.

Meetings outside Rushmoor

The following additional requirements apply to all meetings outside of Rushmoor:

  • Travel to attend approved duties outside Rushmoor should be by the most cost-effective method that meets the councillor's requirements. The cost of travel by motor vehicle should not be more than the cost of the standard rail fare
  • The Head of Democracy and Partnerships, in consultation with the Chief Executive or the Deputy Chief Executive, must approve any first class rail travel
  • Where accommodation and meals are required, the councillor should book these in advance through the Head of Democracy and Partnerships
  • Where meals cannot be pre-booked and paid in advance and are above the rates set out below, we will reimburse reasonable costs on production of receipts up to a limit of £25 a day

Subsistence allowances

The following rates apply as long as receipts are provided:


Description Rate
Breakfast £5.73
Lunch £7.92
Tea £3.13
Evening meal £9.80


Description Rate
Allowance for absence overnight from the usual place of residence £79.82
Allowance for such absence in London (within specified London boroughs) or for attendance at the annual conference of the Local Government Association £91.04

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