Find out where we get our money from and what we will spend it on.

Every year we set a revenue and capital budget which explains what we plan to spend in the year. You can visit our financial statements and strategies page to find out more.

The information below is a summary of what is contained in our budget, to help explain where our money comes from and how much is spent on services.

Where our money comes from

The share of council tax that we receive makes up just 18% of our total income. We get our money to pay for our services from a number of different sources.

Where our money comes from chart




Council tax 

 £    8,069,000  


Business rates and government funding 

 £    6,639,000  



 £    1,788,000  


Commercial investments 

 £  11,218,000  


Interest on investments 

 £    1,401,000  


Other income including fees and charges 

 £  10,276,000  


Use of reserve / delivery of savings 

 £    5,205,000  


Budget gap

We are facing a budget gap of £5.2m in 2025/26. This is the difference between what we spend and the amount of money we receive.

In February we decided to bridge this budget gap by:

  • Using £3.4m of our reserves
  • Reducing our overall budget by £1.8m

We will continue with our Financial Recovery Plan and our savings delivery projects, which together in 2024/25 saved us £0.8m. We anticipate that we will find further savings this year, through a senior management restructure and service review.

We will continue to need budget savings in future years to provide a sustainable financial position for the council in the long term.

How we spend our budget

The money we receive goes to pay for more than 100 key local services, including recycling and bin collections, street cleaning, parks, play areas and leisure facilities, planning, housing, our crematorium and cemeteries, environmental health, and community safety. 

Our revenue budget pays for the day-to-day running of the council and our services.  

We also use our budget to support the delivery of our priorities.

Spending by portfolio 2025/26


Portfolio expenditure Approximate amount Examples of what is paid for in this portfolio
Economy, Skills and Regeneration £6,086,000 Town centres, events, working with business, improving skills, infrastructure projects
Housing and Planning £3,876,000 Homelessness, housing options and planning
Healthy Communities and Active Lives £3,845,000 Leisure facilities, community development and democracy
Pride in Place/Neighbourhood Services £11,458,000 Bin collections, street cleaning, environmental health, parks and playgrounds
Finance and Resources £5,925,000 Revenue and benefits, IT, financial services
Policy, Performance and Sustainability £2,264,000 Transformation projects, legal services, climate change
Corporate items £4,291,000 Including accounting processes, such as our minimum revenue position
Interest payments on borrowing £6,852,000  

Please visit our about the portfolios page for more information.

Our capital spending

As well as our day-to-day revenue budget spend, we also have a longer-term capital programme for regeneration, developments and improvements.

These are the items we have planned for capital spending over the next three years.

Capital budget items 2025/26 Budget 2026/27 Budget 2027/28 Budget

Union Yard - commercial units fit out, lease contributions and other costs 




Leisure centre




Southwood Country Park improvements








Temporary housing 




The Galleries (Housing Infrastructure Fund) 




Wheelie bins and food waste caddies




Disabled facility grants for home improvements 




Provision for asset management expenditure 




IT upgrades and services 




Section 106 projects (for example, playground improvements) 




Provision for potential service review costs 




Total Programme 




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