Find out how you can keep up-to-date and get involved in the development of our planning policies.
Planning policy consultations
For details of current consultations, please visit our planning policy consultations page.
Get Involved in planning our borough
We want to hear the views of as many people as possible when preparing planning policy documents, including the future iterations of the Rushmoor Local Plan and supplementary planning documents.
To be kept updated about planning policies in Aldershot and Farnborough, please complete our keep up-to-date with planning policies form.
Statement of Community of Involvement
Our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how we will involve people in preparing planning policies and in deciding on planning applications.
Timetable for preparing a new local plan
The Rushmoor Local Plan was adopted in February 2019 and we have to review it every five years. We reviewed the local plan in 2023 and decided that an update of the local plan policies is required and a new local plan will need to be prepared for Rushmoor.
We have published a timetable for the preparation of a new local plan. This is known as the Local Development Scheme (LDS).
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 has reforms to the plan-making process, including to the form and content of local plans.
In 2023, the government consulted on some of the detail of these reforms, but we will not know the full implications until the secondary legislation is published. We expect this to happen later this year.
Therefore, our Local Development Scheme (February 2025) is subject to change. We will review this once further detail on these reforms is published by the government.
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