Information and advice to help commercial developers and householders apply for planning permission.

We have a number of web pages and documents to support you through your planning application.

Pre-application advice

We encourage all applicants to discuss their planning proposals with us before they make a formal application.

For more details on what advice we can give and what you'll need to do before submitting your development proposals, please see our pre-application advice page.

Supporting information for your planning application

When you submit your planning application, you may also have to provide supporting information. This will depend on the type of application. For more details, see our supporting information for your planning application page.

Employment and skills plans

We are committed to securing employment and skills benefits from construction activity in our borough.

We therefore want to discuss employment and skills plan at the pre-application stage for any major developments in the borough, and will seek their submission as supporting documents for major planning applications.

The plans should make a commitment to deliver a range of employment and training opportunities through the construction and end-use phase of developments. This could include work experience, curriculum support, job starts and on-the-job training for local people.

Our Economic Development team offers support in preparing and implementing plans, along with others, including Job Centre Plus, and in facilitating links with local job seekers, schools, colleges and job centres. For more information, please contact the team using the contact details below.

Biodiversity checklist for planning applications

This biodiversity checklist, produced by councils in Hampshire, helps you work out if your application may have an impact on the natural environment.

In particular, it helps you identify what surveys you may need to carry out to make sure your development will not affect any protected species.

You can submit the checklist as supporting evidence with your application.

Car and cycle parking standards

As part of the Rushmoor Plan, we have produced a supplementary planning document (SPD) setting out the parking standards for cars and cycles for development in Aldershot and Farnborough.

Rubbish and recycling bins at new or converted properties

If you are a developer of new or converted properties, you will need to buy rubbish and recycling bins for the development, as we do not provide them free-of-charge. You can find out more on our rubbish and recycling bins at new or converted properties page.

Financial contributions

In most cases, we will seek financial contributions to mitigate some of the consequences of your development through a section 106 legal agreement or a unilateral undertaking. The most common contributions we seek relate to:

Please visit our unilateral undertaking page if we have advised you to do a unilateral undertaking as part of your planning application.

Designing out crime - designing in community safety

For guidance on how you can reduce crime and disorder when you are designing new developments, see our Designing out crime - designing in community safety document.

Statement of community involvement

We strongly encourage developers to carry out consultation with the local community for major or controversial development proposals before applying for planning permission. The type of development to which this applies is set out in our Statement of Community Involvement.

Good homes charter

Our Good homes charter - June 2015 document sets out what we expect from developers of mixed tenure homes in Rushmoor through good practice and our planning requirements.  We encourage all developers to sign up. For more information, please contact our Planning team using the contact details on this page.

Site visits by the Development Management Committee

Sometimes, our Development Management Committee want to visit the site of a proposed development before deciding on a planning application. Our page, site visits by the Development Management Committee gives more information on what happens during a visit.

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