If you want to carry out work to a heritage asset, you need to submit a heritage impact statement with your planning application.
There are two types of heritage asset:
- Designated heritage asset: listed building, conservation area, scheduled ancient monument
- Non-designated heritage asset: buildings or structures of local importance included on a local list, areas of archaeological importance, unknown buildings of importance
Contents of a heritage impact statement
As a formal requirement, a heritage impact statement should be written by a qualified, licensed heritage advisor.
The heritage impact statement must:
- Identify the important characteristics and significance of the existing structure
- Include an assessment of the potential impact of the proposed alterations
- Include an evidence base: survey, photos, historical research
- Justify why the work is necessary or desirable
You could make reference to the listing and local policy. However, we do not consider the complete repetition or reproduction of these documents to be a heritage impact statement.
For further information, please see the Historic England advice note on analysing significance in heritage assets.
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