Who to contact for different types of highway issues in Aldershot and Farnborough.
Important changes to traffic management work
On 1 April, traffic management work and on-street parking transferred from us to Hampshire County Council. We now look after new street name plates and their maintenance only.
Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council is the highway authority and looks after, but is not limited to, the issues listed below
Highway maintenance
- All roadworks
- Potholes
- Carriageway surfacing
- Temporary road closures
- Footpaths, pavements, cycle lanes
- Damaged signs
- Road markings and road sign maintenance
- Flooding on the highway
- Winter gritting
- Overhanging trees and vegetation
- Subway repairs
- Street lighting
- Traffic signals
- All other highway maintenance elements
Road safety and traffic calming
- Road accident prevention and investigation
- Measures to tackle speeding issues
- Accident sites and casualty road safety audits
- All other highway safety elements
Other highway issues
- Vehicle access and dropped kerb applications
- Access protection markings
- Disabled parking bays
- Bollards and dragon teeth on grass verges
- Licences for banners, bunting, lights and hanging baskets
- Building material on the highway
- Licences for scaffolding and hoardings
- Licences for skips on the highway
- Bus shelters
- All other highway elements
Contacting Hampshire County Council about highways issues
Please visit the Hampshire County Council - Transport and roads section of their website to report issues or find out more information about the services they provide.