Find out how we help create a balanced and sustainable community by using local lettings plans and policies for new housing developments in Aldershot and Farnborough,
42-46 Birchett Road, Aldershot
The new development at 42-46 Birchett Road, Aldershot will provide 58 new affordable homes for a mix of rent and shared ownership. The development will be delivered by Funding Affordable Homes (FAH) and managed by Plexus Housing Association.
This lettings plan has been prepared to help let these homes and to give the development the best start by creating a balanced and sustainable community.
Local Lettings Plan for 42-46 Birchett Road, Aldershot.
Wellesley development and our local lettings policy
Wellesley (Aldershot Urban Extension) is a large development being built on the southern part of Aldershot military town by Grainger Plc in partnership with ourselves. It will provide up to 3,850 new homes, of which 1,347 will be affordable homes. These will be a mix of rent and shared ownership homes.
The Wellesley development is being built in phases and as it is built, we will use a lettings plan for each phase to help create a balanced and sustainable community.
Our local lettings policy provides information on the principles that individual lettings plans might contain. The contents of the lettings plans will be agreed for each phase of Wellesley and may include some or all of the principles set out in the policy.
Local lettings plan for Corunna phase two
The Wellesley local lettings policy includes the lettings plan for Corunna Phase B1/B2 and B3/B4. Corunna will be developed in two stages, Corunna B1 and B2 followed by Corunna B3 and B4, and will provide a total of 731 new homes, of which 257 will be affordable housing, a mix of rent and shared ownership.
Corunna Phase B1 and B2 will provide 59 homes for affordable rent and 40 homes for shared ownership. Corunna Phase B3 and B4 will provide 102 homes for affordable rent and 56 homes for shared ownership.
Local lettings plan for McGrigor phase
The McGrigor phase will provide 25 homes for affordable rent and 16 homes for shared ownership. This phase includes one three-bedroom flat and one two-bedroom flat to be allocated to families with a need for a wheelchair-compliant property.
Local lettings plan - McGrigor phase
Local lettings plan for Stanhope Lines East and Buller Phase
The Stanhope Lines East and Buller phase will provide 78 homes for affordable rent and 51 homes for shared ownership. This phase includes two one-bedroom flats, one two-bedroom flat, three two-bedroom houses and two three-bedroom houses to be allocated to families with a need for a wheelchair-compliant property.
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