Help in finding a home to rent in Aldershot and Farnborough.
Private renting
Renting privately can give you the flexibility to chose where you want to live and the type of home that is suitable for your needs. You can often find out about home available for rent:
- By word of mouth
- In local newspapers and magazines
- In shop windows and notice boards
- Through letting agencies and accommodation agencies
- Online
You could also advertise in a local newspaper, shop window or notice board. The advert should say what you are looking for and how much rent you can afford to pay.
If you think you cannot afford to pay rent, you may be able to get financial help to have some or all of your rent paid.
Be safe when visiting a property - take someone with you or let someone know when and where you are going.
Housing association homes
Housing associations are independent housing organisations registered with the Housing Corporation under the Housing Act 1996. They are also known as Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). Trusts and Co-operatives can also be Registered Social Landlords.
We work with a number of Registered Social Landlords who are developing new homes in Rushmoor. We advertise these and existing housing association homes through our Rushmoor Home Finder scheme.
Contact us