Find out how much council tax you pay in 2025/26 and how much of it goes to us, Hampshire County Council, the police and the fire service.

The amount of council tax you pay depends on which valuation band your home is in, how many people live there and if you qualify for council tax support, a discount or an exemption.

Charges for 2025/26

Band Rushmoor Borough Council Hampshire County Council Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire Hampshire and IOW Fire and Rescue Service Total
A £159.80 £1,073.22 £183.64 £58.56 £1,475.22
B £186.43 £1,252.09 £214.25 £68.32 £1,721.09
C £213.07 £1,430.96 £244.85 £78.08 £1,966.96
D £239.70 £1,609.83 £275.46 £87.84 £2,212.83
E £292.97 £1,967.57 £336.67 £107.36 £2,704.57
F £346.23 £2,325.31 £397.89 £126.88 £3,196.31  
G £399.50 £2,683.05 £459.10 £146.40 £3,688.05  
H £479.40 £3,219.66 £550.92 £175.68 £4,425.66

Hampshire County Council and adult social care

The government has made a change from last year to the Hampshire County Council and adult social care items on your council tax charge. The two charges are now added together, so from 2025/26 there is one item on the bill for ‘Hampshire County Council’.

Rushmoor's share of your council tax

Our share of the council tax has risen by £6.96 a year for a Band D property. This works out to 13p extra a week (2.99%). This is the same percentage increase as last year.

This year's increase will generate us an extra £325,383 in 2025/26 towards services, taking into account the extra number of homes in Aldershot and Farnborough. Our total gross expenditure is £44,565,907.

Further information from other authorities

Information about how the other authorities spend your money is available on the:

Charges for 2024/25

Band Rushmoor Hampshire Adult social care Police Fire Total council tax
A £155.16 £874.88 £147.28 £174.31 £55.23 £1,406.86
B £181.02 £1,020.69 £171.83 £203.36 £64.43 £1,641.33
C £206.88 £1,166.51 £196.37 £232.41 £73.64 £1,875.81
D £232.74 £1,312.32 £220.92 £261.46 £82.84 £2,110.28
E £284.46 £1,603.95 £270.01 £319.56 £101.25 £2,579.23
F £336.18 £1,895.57 £319.11 £377.66 £119.66 £3,048.18
G £387.90 £2,187.20 £368.20 £435.77 £138.07 £3,517.14
H £465.48 £2,624.64 £441.84 £522.92 £165.68 £4,220.56


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