Seasonal crime prevention advice
We've put together some seasonal crime prevention tips for you and your home.
There are some simple things you can do to deter crime and protect your home and your belongings.
Making sure your valuables are marked can deter criminals and help you to get your things back if they are stolen. Thieves find identifiable property difficult to sell on.
You can buy property marking kits from stationery or DIY shops. An ultra-violet (UV) pen can put an invisible mark on your property, which can only be seen under UV light. You can also tell people that you have done this by putting a sign or sticker near your front door.
Make sure you lock doors securely at night and leave the keys in a safe place that the whole family knows about should you need them in a hurry.
For further information about bogus callers, doorstep sellers and distraction burglaries, visit the Hampshire Constabulary website.
You will also find useful local information on the Safer North Hampshire website.
We've put together some seasonal crime prevention tips for you and your home.
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