How to get the latest news about taxi licensing matters.

How to report a change in your medical circumstances and/or apply for a medical exemption

You will need to report to us any change in medical circumstances that may affect your fitness or ability to drive (in accordance with the DVLA Group 2 medical standards). In addition if you consider yourself medically or physically unfit to carry out the requirements of a private hire / hackney carriage driver in respect of carriage of assistance dogs or the provision of mobility assistance to passengers, you will need to contact us to ask for an exemption from the duties.

If this happens during your licence term and you are not due a full medical, please provide us with a medical report or letter from your GP or consultant that includes:

  • The background to the illness/injury
  • What investigations and/or tests have been done with results
  • What medication has been prescribed
  • Any other illness or medical history
  • A description of your general health
  • Copies of outpatient letters or hospital discharge summaries

We will refer the information to our medical advisor as appropriate, and then respond to you accordingly.

NR3 National Register

If we refuse, revoke or suspend a Hackney Carriage and / or Private Hire Driver's licence, it will be added to the NR3 National Register. This is in keeping with legislation. Please see our taxi licensing policy for more information.

Vehicle checks

You will need to do daily checks on your vehicle to make sure it meets the conditions of any of the vehicle licences we issue to you. 

You can decide how to record these checks, but the Department for Transport provide a sample vehicle checklist that may help you. 

Taxi licensing policy

We have our taxi licensing policy and guidance which explains how we carry out our taxi licensing functions and responsibilities. This policy has recently changed.

If you are an existing licence holder, you will need to meet any new requirements by 31 March 2024, or by the renewal date of your licence, whichever is sooner.

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