Information to help you apply for a premises licence.
How to apply
Download the relevant application form:
- Application form - Premises licence (standard premises)
- Application form - Premises licence (vessels, such as boats, cruise ships, ferries or hovercrafts)
If you send an application by email or fax we don't recognise it until we receive the fee and all the accompanying documents.
Who can apply for a premises licence
Only people (and that includes companies or partnerships):
- Who have the right to occupy the premises
- Who have an operator's licence or have applied for an operator's licence from the Gambling Commission (the premises licence can only be issued once the operating licence has been issued)
- Who are over the age of 18
What you need to submit
You must submit:
- The correct application form
- The correct fee - see our gambling fees and charges page. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to Rushmoor Borough Council
- An up-to-date scale plan of the premises - see 'Scale plans' below for what information you need to show on the plan
It is an offence if you knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in, or in connection with, an application.
Within seven days of sending the application to us, you must give notice of your application to each relevant responsible authority, such as the police, fire and environmental services. The notice must be in the Form of notice for responsible authorities.
Advertising your application
You must advertise your application:
1. In a local newspaper. If there is none, then advertise in a local newsletter, circular or similar. This should circulate within the area at least once in ten working days, starting the day after your application is sent to us
2. By displaying a notice on the premises:
- On the outside of the premises, in a place where it can conveniently be read by members of the public
- For a period of at least 28 days, starting the day on which the application is sent to us
The notice must be in the form of notice of application - premises licence.
Scale plans
Information to be shown on a scale plan
You should draw your plan in standard scale 1:100 (1mm represents 100mm), unless we have previously agreed, in writing, that an alternative scale plan is acceptable.
The plan should show:
- The boundaries or perimeter of the premises
- Where the premises consist of one or more buildings, the location of the external or internal walls of each building
- Where the premises form part of a building, the location of any external or internal walls of the building which are included in the premises
- Where the premises are a vessel (boat) or a part of a vessel, the location of any part of the sides of the vessel and any internal walls which are included in the premises
- The location of each entry and exit at the premises, including a description of the place from which the entry or to which the exit leads
Premises licences for the following activities have to show additional items on the plans. These are:
- The location and area of any part of the premises used to provide facilities for gaming (other than those parts which include Category B or C gaming machines)
- The location and extent of any area in which Category B or C gaming machines will be made available for use
- The nature and location of any barrier or other thing separating any area with Category B or C gaming machines from any other part of the premises
Adult gaming centre
- The location and extent of any part of the premises in which gaming machines will be made available
Family entertainment centre
- The location and extent of any part of the premises in which Category C gaming machines will be made available
- The location and extent of the area in which Category D gaming machines will be made available
- The nature and location of any barrier or other thing separating any area with Category C gaming machines from any other part of the premises
Betting (other than a track)
- The location and extent of any part of the premises which will be used to provide gambling facilities
Betting (tracks)
- The location and extent of any part of the premises which is a 'five times rule' betting area
- The location and extent of any other areas which will be used for providing betting facilities
- The location and extent of any part of the premises in which Category B or C gaming machines will be made available
- The nature and location of any barrier or other thing separating any area with Category B or C gaming machines from any other part of the premises
We strongly advise you to consult your own independent legal adviser before making any application.
What happens next
- We will check the application to make sure that all the paperwork is correct and complete
- If there are any errors or omissions, we will send the application and documents back to you for corrections and / or additional documentation
- The time period for any decision will not begin until a valid application has been received
How long it will take
It will take at least 28 days from the day we receive your application, so long as you have:
- Sent us all the information required
- Submitted the relevant fee
- Sent notice of your application to all the responsible authorities
- Properly advertised your application
Objections to your application
Any of the 'responsible authorities' can make a written objection.
Any 'interested parties' are also entitled to make written objections to us.
An 'interested party' is a person who:
- Lives close to the premises and may be affected by the activities
- Has business interests that might be affected by the activities
- Represents people from the above categories
We must grant the application if there are no objections within the legal time limit (28 days from the date the application is received).
We have to hold a hearing to consider any relevant objection, unless we, the applicant and everyone else who made an objection agree that a hearing is not necessary.
After considering your application for a premises licence (whether at a hearing or not) we will either:
- Grant it
- Reject it
If we grant your licence
When we grant an application, we will:
- Give notice of the grant to:
- The applicant
- The Gambling Commission
- Any person who made representations about the application
- The chief police officer for any area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated
- Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise
- Issue a premises licence to the applicant
- Give the applicant a summary of the terms and conditions of the licence
If we reject your licence
If we reject your application, we will give our reasons to:
- The applicant
- The Gambling Commission
- Any person who made representations about the application
- The chief police officer for any area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated
- Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise
If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you can appeal to the magistrates' court within 21 days.
Starting dates
The new licence will take effect on the later of these two dates:
- On the date you have requested
- Whenever it is approved
Annual fees
A premises licence has no time limit and you will not need to apply again unless your circumstances change.
However, you will have to pay an annual fee every 12 months after the licence issue date. The first annual fee is payable:
- Within 30 days of the licence being issued; or
- If you have requested a particular date when the licence comes into effect, the first annual fee must be paid within 30 days of that date.
General duties of premises licence holders
The holder of a premises licence has to:
- Keep the licence on the premises
- Ensure it can be inspected on request by:
- A constable
- An enforcement officer
- An authorised local authority officer
- Display the summary of the licence in a prominent place within the premises
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