A summary of how we carry out our role as a licensing authority under the Gambling Act 2005.
Consultation on our statement of principles
We have recently reviewed our statement of principles. Please read through our draft Gambling Act - Statement of principles for more information.
If you would like to make a comment on the document, please email licensing@rushmoor.gov.uk by 15 April.
Our current statement of principles is listed below.
General overview
Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005 says that each licensing authority has to prepare and publish a statement of its principles and policy.
The purpose is to set out the policies each licensing authority will normally apply and consider when carrying out its functions under the act, particularly when making decisions on licence applications and permits.
Generally, such a policy is valid for three years but is subject to review and consultation.
Our statement of principles
A full council meeting approved our statement of principles and policy on 29 March 2007.
We hope our policy acts as a guide to the standards we apply when performing our licensing duties, together with the role and responsibilities of licence holders.
It also explains how members of the public can have their say. It outlines the ways for making representations on local licence applications and how to request a review of a licence if there are problems.
The document aims to provide guidance and advice to all those with an interest in the licensing issues covered by the act.
It is not a statement of the law and does not constitute professional or legal advice. Any statements contained in the document do not replace, extend, amend or alter in any way, the legal provisions of the Gambling Act 2005 - or any other legislation or guidance relating to it.
This is a local document specific to the Rushmoor area, but the Gambling Act 2005 lays down some aspects of the policy. We developed other text in accordance with guidance issued by the Gambling Commission.
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