You have the right to make representations if a premises applies for a new gambling licence (or to vary an existing gambling licence).
How to make representations about a gambling licence application
Local people and businesses can make a representation in support of, or against, an application. If you want to make a representation, you must do so in writing and send it to us within 28 days of us receiving the application. If you want to make a representation, please use our representation form.
Please also see Guidance for Interested parties: Making Representations.
What you can make representations about
The Gambling Act 2005 states that we can decide on an application without a hearing to consider the representations, if we think that the representations made:
- Are vexatious
- Are frivolous, or
- Will certainly not influence our decision on the application
This means that the representation must be about the effect of the granting of the application on one or more of the licensing objectives. These are:
- Preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime
- Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
- Protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling
We cannot take into account other considerations, such as competition and need.
Responsible authorities
Responsible authorities can also make representations about an application. These include the police, fire service, gambling commission, environmental health, HM Revenue and Customs, planning and social services.
What happens next
We will hold a hearing of our licensing sub-committee to decide the application.
Attending the sub-committee meeting
You can attend the hearing if you made representations about the application. Someone else (legally qualified or not) can help or represent you, if you want.
Addressing the meeting
All those making representations can address the licensing sub-committee directly. We can only consider documents produced for the first time at the hearing if everyone agrees. However additional documents can be submitted before the day of the hearing.
Personal details
As far as possible, we will remove personal details from any public documents produced for the hearing, but it is only fair that applicants are able to identify and locate those making representations.
So, unless you tell us otherwise, we will give the general location of those making representations to the applicants.
Bear in mind that your representation may carry less weight if your location is not disclosed.
The decision
After the hearing the sub-committee will make its decision, and will give its reasons.
Both the applicant and those making representations can appeal to the local magistrates' court if they are dissatisfied with the decision.
What you can do to help your representation
The licensing sub-committee may attach more weight to those representations supported by documentary or physical evidence of any problems described.
You can support your representation by collecting as much evidence as possible to back up the points you want to make. You can do this in a number of simple ways, such as supplying:
- A diary / record of events
- Video evidence
- Photographs
- Sound recordings
- Supporting statements from neighbours or witnesses
- A record of complaints made to local enforcement agencies
If you collect such evidence, you need to let us know that you want to use it before the hearing takes place. You also have to agree to a copy being given to the applicant.
Other opportunities to review a gambling licence
Responsible authorities and residents and businesses can also apply for a review of a licence at any time, if a licensed gambling premises causes problems relating to the licensing objectives.
In this case, the licensing sub-committee will hold a hearing along the lines set out above.
Find out more about how to apply for the review of a licence.
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