Some premises do not need to name a designated premises supervisor. Find out why, and how they can apply to operate this way.
If you run community premises, it may be possible to sell alcohol without the need for a designated premises supervisor (DPS) to be named on the premises licence. The management committee of the premises can effectively take responsibility for the supervision and authorisation of alcohol sales on these premises.
Community premises may include:
- Church halls
- Chapel halls
- Village halls
- Parish halls
- Community halls
- Other similar buildings
To do this you need to apply to remove the mandatory condition that normally requires a DPS, from your premises licence. This process is called 'disapplication'.
What you need to provide
- Existing premises licence
- The statutory fee, if you submit the application on its own. There is no fee if you submit it as part of new premises licence or variation to the premises licence
- Details of:
- How the premises is managed
- Committee structure
- How you will ensure the supervision of / responsibility for alcohol sales in different situations (for example, when the premises are let for private parties)
To support your application we recommend you provide:
- Any written constitution
- Any other relevant documents that show the structure, contact details and relationship of its key officers
- Any relevant hire agreements for the use and hire of the premises by third parties
See our alcohol and entertainments fees and charges.
Submit the notice
You can submit the disapply mandatory DPS form online using the GOV.UK website.
Apply online – Disapply mandatory DPS
Or you can download the application form below, complete it and return it to us.
Unless you submit your application electronically, you must serve a copy of your application (including copies of any accompanying documents) on the police on the same day that it is given to us. Electronic applications will be served on the Police automatically.
We recommend you read the following advice before you apply.
What happens once we receive your application
As soon as we receive your application, we will allocate it to one of our licensing officers who will check to ensure that the application is valid, has been advertised correctly and sent to the police.
If there is a problem with the application
If there is a problem with the application, we may contact you for further information or return the application (or part of it) for your attention.
What happens if we receive objections to your application
Only the police can make an objection to this type of application.
If the police make an objection, we will hold a hearing of our licensing sub-committee to decide on the application (unless all parties agree that a hearing is not necessary). We will tell you about the arrangements for the hearing. The sub-committee may choose to grant or refuse the application.
How long it takes to decide your application
- We allow 28 days for objections to your application to be raised
- If we receive no objections within this period, we will grant / amend your licence on the following day.
- If we need to hold a hearing this will take place within 20 working days (after the last date for objections). We will give you at least 10 working days' notice of the date of the hearing.
If we refuse your application
If we refuse the application, we will tell you of our decision in writing, together with the reasons for refusal and your rights of appeal.
We will also tell you what you need to do to appeal and the time in which you have to do it.
Contact us