The operating schedule explains how you propose to operate and promote the four licensing objectives.
It is part of the application form for a premises licence, club premises certificate. or a full variation.
What should be included in an operating schedule
Your operating schedule should show how the licence holder will comply with the legislation and promote the four licensing objectives:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Ensuring public safety
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
It should take account of:
- The type, size, location and opening hours of the premises
- The nature of the area in which the premises are situated
- The licensable activities to be provided
- The age profile and nature of anticipated clientele
- Any necessary operational procedures
- The needs of the local community
You should complete it in line with our statement of licensing policy:
By law, an operating schedule must include:
- The licensable activities to be carried out on the premises
- The times that the relevant licensable activities will take place
- The times that the premises will be open to the public
- The length of time that the licence is required (if it is for a limited period only)
- If the sale of alcohol is for consumption on or off the premises, or both
- The steps that will be taken to promote the licensing objectives
- Any other matters required by regulations or guidance
Other things to include in the operating schedule
To help us make a decision you could also include:
- A description of the style and character of the business
- What seating is provided
- The type of activities available on the premises, whether licensable or not
- What type of dancing and/or music there will be, if any. If this will involve dancing and/or music by members of the public, professional performers or both
- If the entertainment will involve striptease, lap-dancing or other forms of dance that may involve movements, acts or displays of a sexual, or adult nature
Preparing an operating schedule
We recommend that you are aware of our expectations and those of the responsible authorities. We would advise you to seek our views and those of the responsible authorities before formally submitting your application.
You should also take account of our Statement of licensing policy and any guidance published by the Secretary of State. We also recommend that you take account of key local strategies and plans.
To help you with measures that you may want to consider promoting the licensing objectives, and that may want to include in your operating schedule, we provide a Pool of Model Conditions. This is not an exhaustive list of all measures that you may include in an operating schedule, and not all measures will be appropriate to every application.
Why the operating schedule is so important
You should be aware that we will use what you say in your operating schedule to produce the conditions that we will attach to your licence, if granted.
You should therefore make sure that the steps to be taken are realistic and within your control.
If we grant a licence with conditions attached requiring the implementation of such steps, the conditions will be enforceable in law and it will be a criminal offence if you fail to comply with them.
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