Forms and guidance notes to help you apply to register your food business.
How to apply
You can apply online:
Or you can download the application form below, complete it and return it to us.
Application for the registration of a food business establishment
Guidance if you are registering your food business
- There is no charge
- You only need to provide the completed application form. No other evidence is needed
- After receiving your application, we will carry out a full food hygiene inspection in due course to make sure that hygiene standards meet with the law
- You do not need to renew your registration. Once you have registered with us, you only need tell us of any changes, for example if there is a new owner or if the nature of the business changes. The new owner will then have to complete an application form to register the food business
Register of food businesses in Rushmoor
We enter details from all the application forms on our database.
A register of the name of the business (if any), its address, telephone number and the type of business is open for inspection by the public. Records of other information provided will not be publicly available.
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