If you have a retail, hospitality and leisure business in Aldershot or Farnborough, you may be able to get a discount on your business rates.
About the business rates discount
The government is providing a business rates discount for eligible retail, hospitality and leisure businesses.
It is there to support high street and town centre businesses, to help you adapt to changing customer demands.
The amount of business rates relief that the government has offered has changed over time:
Financial year | Amount of discount available under this scheme |
2022/23 | 50% relief |
2023/24 | 75% relief |
2024/25 | 75% relief |
2025/26 | 40% relief |
The most you can get in relief each billing year is £110,000 per business.
Please visit GOV.UK - Business rate relief for further information on this discount provided by the government.
How to qualify for the discount
To be qualify for this discount, your retail premises must be occupied and be wholly or mainly used as a:
- Shop
- Restaurant, café, bar or pub
- Cinema or music venue
- Hospitality or leisure business - for example, a gym, a spa, a hotel or tourist attraction
- Community hall or clubhouse for members of the public
You can also see our Retail, hospitality and leisure business rates scheme policy for more information.
Applying for the discount
We automatically award eligible businesses this discount. All businesses that receive the discount will receive a bill from us, showing their reduced business rates.
You can also apply by filling in and returning our Retail Relief Discount application form.
If you receive money from this scheme, it is likely that it will be seen as a subsidy from the government.
That means that you will need to make sure you meet the UK’s domestic and international subsidy control rules around the payment.
Please read through the guidance from the Department for Business and trade Energy to understand more about the subsidy rules and how it may affect your business.
If you have automatically received this discount and would like to opt-out of the discount scheme or require further details, then please notify our business rates team using the contact details below.
Contact us