We can collect your garden waste once a fortnight for a charge.

About our service

We offer two different ways for you to store your garden waste for collection. 

You can have a brown wheelie bin that you pay £47 for once a year. You will need to renew this when you have received an email or letter from us. 

You can also buy compostable paper single-use sacks that you use as you need them. 

Once you have signed up for the service, all you need to do is put your bin or paper sacks at the edge of your property by 7am on your collection day. Collections are every 2 weeks. Please bring your bins in as soon as possible after they have been emptied.

If you do not want to join the service, you can also take your garden waste (free of charge) to Hampshire County Council's Household waste recycling centres. In addition, you can compost some garden waste.

What you can and can't recycle

Yes please

What happens to your garden waste

We take your garden waste to the composting centre near Basingstoke, where it is turned into the soil conditioner, Pro-Grow. 

You can buy a variety of Pro-Grow products to use on your garden at Hampshire County Council Household waste recycling centres. For more information, visit the Pro-Grow website. 

Numbering your bins

One of the ways you can help our bin collection crews is to make sure your bins are clearly marked with your house number and road name.

This helps the crew to report any issues quickly and accurately, and will also help you to keep an eye on your bins and avoid any mix-ups with neighbours.  

A number of shops and online retailers sell low-cost address stickers for bins, but you can use any sort of labelling - or even paint your address on your bins.

Terms and conditions

When you subscribe to our garden waste service you will need to accept our terms and conditions.

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