How to contact us during office hours or in an emergency, plus how to complain about a service we have provided.
All you need to know about elections and registering to vote.
About your local representatives, including how to become a councillor and how to make a complaint against a councillor.
Check our meeting calendar and search for agendas and minutes.
Everything you need to know about the council.
The government has announced major changes to the way local services will be provided in the future. Find out more.
Keep up to date with our latest news and consultations.
Working for us, our current opportunities and benefits for staff.
Find out about the membership and leadership of our Cabinet and its responsibilities.
How our priorities realise the vision of our cabinet and make a difference to our community.
Our long-term vision sets out the Aldershot and Farnborough that residents, businesses and the council would like to see by 2030.
Information and contact details for our management team and departments.
Details about our financial statements and strategies and our spending over £250.
Information and data about Aldershot and Farnborough and our residents.
Information on freedom of information, data protection, byelaws and local land charges.
We have partner towns around the world in France, Germany, Poland, the USA and Nepal.
Contact us
Customer services
If you have a question or comment about one of our services, we'd like to hear from you. Please visit our getting in touch page to give us your feedback or ask a question.
You can fill in this form anonymously, but if you'd like us to get back to you, please provide your contact details.
Read about the information you send to us and what we will use it for (opens in a new tab).