Our call for sites consultation is running until Friday 4 April.

Our call for sites consultation is an opportunity for landowners, developers and other interested parties to suggest sites which may have potential for future development. We will shortly be starting work to update the Rushmoor Local Plan, and your responses will help us to have an up-to-date understanding of available land in Rushmoor which may be suitable for development.

We would particularly welcome information on available sites in Rushmoor which may be suitable for:

  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Retail, leisure and community uses
  • Gypsy and traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation
  • Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)
  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offsetting

Your suggestions will help us update our Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment, which is a technical study that identifies sites with housing and employment potential.

Your suggestions will also help us update our Brownfield land register, which is a list of brownfield sites (previously developed land) in Rushmoor which are considered to be available, achievable and suitable for housing-led development, as defined by government regulations.

How to suggest a site

If you have or know of any available and suitable sites, please submit the details of it, using either of the two forms below.

If you have completed the Word form, please email it along with your accompanying documents to planningpolicy@rushmoor.gov.uk. You can also print out and post your Word form and accompanying documents to:

Planning Policy and Conservation
Rushmoor Borough Council
Council Offices
GU14 7JU

We must receive all responses by Friday 4 April.

If you submit a site for suggestion, it is not guaranteed that we will allocate it for the suggested use. We will judge the suitability of all sites against relevant planning policies and other considerations. There is no guarantee that we will enter suggested sites into the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment or Brownfield Land Register. If a site is included in one of these documents, it does not guarantee that it will be granted planning permission. 

Site plans

If you are a landowner or developer, or an agent acting on their behalf, you will also need to provide an up-to-date site plan/location map at 1:1250 or 1:2500 scale which shows the boundaries of the site and the part that may be suitable for development. You will also need to provide a copy of the title register and title plan from the Land Registry to confirm the identity of the landowner(s).

If you are a member of the public or a community group, please submit a map (for example, from Google Maps) and/or photos with your completed form to help us identify the site for us to investigate further.

Data protection

The information you submit when you suggest a site, with the exception of personal details, may be made available to the public in our:

  • Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment
  • Brownfield Land Register
  • and other published reports

You can find out how we use the information that you provide in our Planning Policy privacy notice.

Sites that have previously been suggested

We cannot assume that any sites submitted to us through previous call for sites consultations are still available for development.

Therefore, if you have previously submitted a site through an earlier call for sites consultation and it has yet to be developed for the proposed use, please provide updated details on the availability and suitability of the site by completing the form above.

How to withdraw a site

If you would like to withdraw a site from consideration, please email planningpolicy@rushmoor.gov.uk

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