Find out about key executive decisions that our Cabinet plans to take and any matters that it intends to consider in private session.
Our forward work programme of executive decisions gives advance notice of 'key' and 'in-private' executive decisions which are expected to be taken over the next few months. Decision makers may include the cabinet, cabinet portfolio holders and officers under delegated powers.
The latest version is:
General exception notices of key decisions
Further information about the work programme
We update the plan regularly. It shows:
- When we will make decisions
- Who will make the decisions
- Key decisions
- Decisions we plan to be taken in private without the press or public in attendance; the reasons why and how to make representations
- What documents relating to decisions will be available
- Contact details for each decision and related documents
- Membership of the Cabinet
In addition, the plan includes details of future items for decision by our full Council, such as new plans, strategies or budget proposals.
Key decisions
We consider key decisions to be those that are likely to:
- Result in the council incurring spending or making savings, which will have significant impact on our budget
- Have a significant impact on two or more wards in Rushmoor
If you have any questions about the Cabinet work programme, please contact us using the contact details on this page.
Contact us