For every take-off or landing at Farnborough airport, the community environmental fund receives money to help support local projects.

The airport pays a levy of £2 for every take-off or landing, or £5 if the aircraft is a Boeing business jet or an Airbus A310 corporate jet.

This money goes into the Farnborough airport community environmental fund, which we manage. For aircraft movements in 2023 we received £65,373 for this fund. There is currently £58,681 available for grants.

We consider applications every month, until all the funding runs out. 

Your organisation can only be awarded one grant in a financial year (April to March). 

Projects the environmental fund has already supported

The type of projects the fund has already supported include pond improvements, canal towpath upgrades, improvements to open spaces, gardening clubs, wildlife projects, new cycle ways and cycle projects, outdoor activities, music events, and play equipment.

The fund is not generally available for buildings. To find out if funding is available for your building, please email our community development team using the contact details below. You should include details of your project and why you need funding.

Please see below to view details of the grants we've awarded from this fund:

Contact us

Farnborough Airport Community Environmental Fund

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